All Saints' Day 2021
Our students celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints at the Church on November 1st, 2021. All Saints’ Day is special day the Church all over the world remembers the Saints in heaven and the remembrance are not only for those who have been canonized by the Church, but also all those who today are enjoying and seeing the face of God. They are people who said ‘yes” to God’s will for them. On All Saints’ Day, we praise and thank God for what He has done for these holy people. Jesus invites us to be perfect, just as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Holiness is not a specific vocation reserved for only a few, but it is a universal vocation that Jesus offers to all of us. Therefore, we ask the Saints to pray for us that we might love our God and neighbors, the way Jesus taught us, so that we may enjoy eternity with them in Heaven after this life.
Confirmation Mass - May 30, 2021
The Month of Mary, May 2021
First Communion May 16, 2021
First Communion Retreat and Reconciliation
Ash Wednesday
Reconciliation and Stations of the Cross