i. Guidance and Counseling Service
The school guidance and counseling services are available to all Saint Helen Catholic School Students in PreK-8th Grade. The focus is to assist students’ growth and development in their emotional Intelligence. Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set, and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. These “soft skills/people skills” are key to both academic and interpersonal success and I am committed to teaching and nurturing these skills every day in various learning environments.
ii. Student Enrichment Team (SET)
The Student Enrichment Team (SET) provides supplemental support to students, as well as speech and language services to eligible students, to help them meet their individual potentials. The team works collaboratively with parents, teachers, and other licensed Specialists to provide appropriate support for students working above and below grade expectations. Diagnostic screenings and assessments can be administered to students to determine areas of strength and challenges to develop an individualized intervention plan to meet the students’ needs.
iii. Title 1
Title1 provides extra instructional services and activities beyond the regular classroom to those students who have demonstrated that extra assistance is needed. The Title 1 program is usually offered during the school hours. It is scheduled so that students who need extra assistance to achieve their goal do not lose instruction from their regular class. Eligibility to participate in the Title1 program is based on students’ home address. For more details on the program, click U.S. Department of Education